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Let's get content strategizing!

Content strategy and campaign management

Mention the words “content strategy” or “video campaign management” to a non-marketer and you’ll quickly find yourself to be a bit of a pariah at any given dinner party. But, my fellow content wonks, that’s exactly where we’ll be going today. So without any further ado, he’s four handy points that’ll help you grapple the task of developing that strategy

  1. Why am I doing it in the first place?

So first thing’s first in building a campaign, you’re going to have to have a sit down and have a good long think about what you hope your content will actually achieve. Will it aim to educate? To spread brand awareness? To drive engagement in your social media platforms? Pitching these raison d’etre questions now will save you headaches down the line.

  1. So I can make any sort of content, right?

No. Absolutely not. Gone are the heady days of producing slapdash content and hoping for the best. You need to think about the tone of your video, and how your audience is going to engage with it. Sure, you could just produce some dull content about your latest widget, but I can guarantee you nobody is going to show the remotest interest in it. Explain the human side of your business, get people talking about the impact of your product or service on their daily lives.

Say for example, you run a personal training studio in a small town. Rather than just produce some video content of some people doing their bazillionth squat, get a client to talk about the real impact your service has had on them.

  1. Add that call to action!

The biggest single mistake a video productions strategy can make is to not include that all important hook. Video is a great way to convert viewers to buyers, so include some time sensitive sales or offers with your content.

Say you’re a furniture retailer, blast out a quick video detailing amazing sales to be had in your shop. It doesn’t have to be Scorsese-esque in its production value, all it has to do is A) Tell people about a great sale on and B) Convey to people it’s only happening for a short time only.

  1. Let’s get social

So great, you’ve got your videos planned, your strategy is coming along well, but the final hurdle is to decide how you’re going to get eyeballs on those videos. Social media has proven fertile ground for companies looking to sell their wares, particularly as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all ramp up their attempts to wrestle the video throne from YouTube. I always advise my clients that video is a matter for horses for courses. If you’re looking to get maximum engagement from your audience and increase sharing (let’s face it, who doesn’t?), then Facebook is your angle. But if you want to build up a library of content to add real value to your audience? YouTube is definitely where you want to go.

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